Important Stuff You Should Know About Marketing Automation

Nurture leads to maximize revenue.

This article is letter (M) of our “Automation Brand" series where we write an article for each letter of the phrase. “Automation Brand" finds all the ways automation benefits marketing. Find links to more articles in the series below.

Aaah… the wonderful world of marketing automation. What was that and should it be part of your plans? You’re one of the 70% of brands that fail to just even send personalized emails?

If you are, have no fear. The team here at Swomi has your back.

By the end of this article, you’ll know exactly what marketing automation is, the worth behind marketing automation, and exactly what marketing automation looks like.

What Is Marketing Automation?

What Is Marketing Automation

In business, the end-goal is to make a profit by helping people solve a problem. The definition of marketing automation shows how it fits into the bigger picture:

“Marketing automation is a category of technology that allows companies to streamline, automate, and measure marketing tasks and workflows, so they can increase operational efficiency and grow revenue faster.”

Without the resources to achieve your goals your vision will be difficult to achieve, here comes automation or recruitment marketing for HR. With quality talent you can have a solid team behind you to get to the point of profit and success. There is much to this form of automation marketing and it can be a sources of good solid leads.

Another way to understand what marketing automation is, is to understand what marketing automation is not. It’s not CRM (Content Relationship Management) software. And it’s also not traditional marketing that’s only based on click data. Traditional marketing is only setup to automatically trigger based on behavior. Another surprise is It has many application for freelance business, so so many part of teh value chain we can business.

In contrast, marketing automation is a more holistic form of marketing “based on their unique needs, interests, and preferences — not just their click through data.”

As a result, you are better able to set up truly personalized systems that will provide relevant content to your leads.

Is Marketing Automation Worth It?

Is Marketing Automation Worth

Yes. Extremely. Marketing automation and analytics is so useful that it “drives a 14.5-percent increase in sales productivity and a 12.2-percent reduction in marketing overhead.” That’s why it’s so shocking that more than half of brands don’t even send a personalized email.

Just look at these stats and let the numbers do the talking:

- Companies that use marketing automation to nurture prospects experience whether customers or recruits, for visitors as much as a 451-percent increase in qualified leads.

- B2B marketers who implement marketing automation increase sales pipeline contribution by an average of 10 percent.

- In a benchmark study by eMarketer, research found that B2C marketers who are using automation- including everything from birthday emails to cart abandonment programs – have seen conversion rates as high as 50%.

- According to Nuclear Research, 95% of companies reported some benefit from marketing automation. They found that companies can expect to achieve an increase in marketing staff productivity between 1.5 and 6.9% and increase sales productivity by an average of 4%.

What Does Marketing Automation Look Like?

What Does Marketing Automation Look Like

So far, we’ve learned what marketing automation is and see the raw numbers show the powerful benefits. When it comes to what your user is interacting with and the mediums which marketing automation function through, marketing automation looks like:

  • Email Marketing
  • Landing Pages
  • Campaign Management
  • Prediction/Scoring
  • Lead Management
  • CRM Integration
  • Social Marketing
  • Marketing Analytics

As another marketer experienced,“having an “automated” system is like having that 'clone of myself' who is willing to work every day, weekends too and never take a vacation for (drumroll please) less that $200 per month.”

In the eyes of your leads, all they see is a trustworthy, punctual brand that provides such personalized content and value to them. Marketing automation has your audience thinking, “It’s like they know me!”

Happy customers that have a strong relationship with you based on trust from personalized content sent to them.

Word Up:

There you have it. You’ve gone from marketing automation newbie to smarty pants in just a matter of minutes. Now that you know the basics, how do you feel about integrating marketing automation into your brand’s strategy?

sources: responsiveinboundmarketing hudsonvalleygraphics myhrfuture quicksprout jheenan org3d


This article is part of our “Automation Brand” series where we write an article for each letter of the phrase. “Automation Brand” finds all the ways automation benefits marketing.

Click below to read more articles in the “Automation Brand series:

(A) Ready Or Not - Why (A)utomation Is The Future Of Your Brand

(U) 5 Easy Rules To Create (U)niversal Content

(T) Use These 4 Types Of (T)raffic To Earn More Online

(O) Automate Your (O)nline Content And Never Waste Time Again

(M) Important Stuff You Should Know About (M)arketing Automation

(A)Content Equity–The Key To Monetizing Your Brand (A)ssets. Here's Why!

(T) The Unexpected Way (T)ags Help In The Age Of Peak Content

(I) To (I)T Automate Or Not To IT Automate? That Is The Question

(O) How To (O)rganize And Automate Your Content Start To Finish

(N)arrow Artificial Intelligence Lives Among Us


(B)uyer’s Journey From A Buyer’s Point Of View

(R) In Case You Missed It: (R)obotic Automation Is Already Here

(A) Why (A)utomation Efficiency Changes Everything

(N) Can Robots Write (N)ewsworthy Content?

(D) The Jumpstart Guide To Content (D)istribution


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