What’s the difference and how can you use them?
This article is letter (R) of our “Email Marketing" series where we write an article for each letter of the phrase. “Email Marketing" covers all the in's and out's of email marketing success. Find links to more articles in the series below.
Word Of Mouth goes by another name… Referral Marketing! Don’t confuse referral marketing with multi-level marketing either, they’re two completely different things.
So what exactly IS the difference between referral, influencer, and affiliate marketing?
Each has distinct nuances between the customer’s motivations and digital marketing tactics.
Affiliate Marketing
- Similar to a skilled, but unknown, salesperson
- Relies on third-party websites and affiliate networks
- Primary Motivation: financial
- Uses standardized advertising methods like SEO optimization, PPC, email marketing, content marketing, and display advertising
Influencer Marketing
- Third-Party Brand advocates
- Have large social followings
- Many variables affect whether an Influencer campaign is successful
- Focuses on social media relationship-building and content curation
- Spreads brand awareness
Referral Marketing
- A.K.A Word of Mouth
- Rewards customers to invite their friends
- Altruistic motivation: it feels good to help out a friend, giving brings more joy than receiving
- Rewards go both ways: both referrer and referee receive benefits
- Most trusted form of advertising
Word Up:
Each type of marketing has their benefits and drawbacks. That’s why many marketers and brands use a combination of all three to maximize their results.
This article is letter (R) of our “Email Marketing" series where we write an article for each letter of the phrase. “Email Marketing" covers all the in's and out's of email marketing success. Find links to more articles in the series below.
(M) 3 Simple Tips To Increase Email Campaign Open Rates
(A) 3 Reasons To Automate Your Email Marketing Today
(I)nfluencer Email Marketing Insights
(L) Enhanced Email Marketing Tips
(M)Email Marketing As An Influencer – How It Works And What To Do
(A) Are You Making One Of These 7 Affiliate Marketing Mistakes?
(R)eferral Vs. Influencer Vs. Affiliate Marketing
(K) 7 Simple Email Marketing Solutions
(E)xperts Email Marketing Success Tips
(T)rends For The Future Of Email Marketing
(I)mprove Your Email Readers Open Rate
(N)iche Email Marketing Success!
(G)oal Setting For Your Email Marketing