The Ultimate Guide – What Kind Of Entrepreneur Are You?

Customize your entrepreneur lifestyle.

The entrepreneur lifestyle is not bound by a boss, office building, or cubicle. As an entrepreneur, you are in the wild. You have only your wits and resourcefulness to make a living and succeed. Today in our C.U.S.T.O.M.I.Z.A.T.I.O.N.S. theme, we’re looking at how your entrepreneur life can be customized too. All you need to do is pick your lifestyle, pick your type of business, and pick your attitude.

Step 1. Pick Your Lifestyle

Pick a lifestyle, any lifestyle.

Pick Your Lifestyle

A) Lifestyle Entrepreneur

What better lifestyle than an entrepreneur lifestyle? If you identify as being a lifestyle entrepreneur, you’re in the game for the love of playing, not necessarily because you want to win. Your values are your number one, at the expense of profit.

B) Solopreneurs

You’re the lone ranger doing it alone. If you want something done, you have to get it done yourself. From customer support, development, and marketing – you do it all. That is, until you are doing well enough to hire a small team.

C) Serial Entrepreneurs

Like a Lifestyle Entrepreneur, Serial Entrepreneurs are playing the game for life. Serial Entrepreneurs build businesses up, then move on by selling the business, leaving it with successors, or according to an exit strategy. People in this category live to repeat this process again and again.

D) The Survivor

For all the folks that managed to break away from the status quo of their 9 to 5 job and begin living their dreams. Our favorite example of a Survivor Entrepreneur is WhatsApp founder Jan Koum. He went from immigrating from Ukraine and being on Food Stamps to now being worth $6.8 billion.

Step 2. Pick Your Type Of Business

Businesses! Get ya’ different types of businesses here!

Pick Your Type Of Business

E) Manufacturing/ Artist Entrepreneur

The most “hands-on” of the bunch, Manufacturing Entrepreneurs are the craftsmen that transform raw materials into finished products for your enjoying pleasure. They deeply research the needs, wants, and desires of customers and deliver that into user-friendly product.

F) Trading Entrepreneurs

Our favorite middlemen. Trading Entrepreneurs take up the trading services. They procure goods directly from the manufacturer and sell to the customer directly or through a retailer. Think Amazon resellers, dropshipping, eBay auctioneers, Instagram vintage clothes sellers, and the like.

G) Growth Business

Growth businesses typically work across “software development, applications for smart phones and tablets, consulting, communication and marketing, development of medical equipment, business intelligence.” Growth businesses focus on being scalable. We like big growth businesses and cannot lie!

H) Project Business

Project-based businesses are usually run by well-educated entrepreneurs as they tend to create projects that stick close to their field of expertise. In this category you will find graphic designers, authors, psychologists, film makers, and just about anyone who works on a project-by-project basis.

Step 3. Pick Your Attitude

I’ll take one order of attitude with a side of attitude... please.

Pick Your Attitude

I) Inventors

The true innovators, inventors like to tinker and create what’s never been created before. Their basic revolves around changing the game and setting the standard. An inventor’s attitude means you are always coming up with new ideas.

J) The Visionary/ Challenger

For the visionary, they don’t just think outside the box. In their mind, the box doesn’t even exist. Visionaries are famous for the uncompromising ideals, creativity, and intense devotion to their grand ideas. Their goal is to change the world and change people’s lives forever in the best way possible.

K) Buyers

Do you like everything about being an entrepreneur, except that whole risk thing? Being an entrepreneur requires risk. But by being a buyer, you can offset that risk a bit. Buyers purchase enterprises that are already up and running and generating revenue. Then they just keep that puppy going.

L) Social Entrepreneurs

Social entrepreneurs are a triple threat. They focus on people, the planet, and profit. Businesses run by social entrepreneurs are almost identical to charities (the main difference being that charities do not make a profit). If you want to help people and be ambitiously successful, then being a social entrepreneur is for you.

M) The Strategist

You know everything down to a “T.” You have spreadsheets for days and even your spreadsheets have spreadsheets. The strategist’s main motivation is money and they have the tactical execution and analytical skills to make things happen. A famous strategist? Elon Musk.

Word Up:

Now that you’ve picked one lifestyle, one business type, and one attitude, what type of entrepreneur does that make you? Are you a lifestyle, growth-business, social entrepreneur? How about an unexpected Solopreneur, tradesman inventor type? Did you identify with more than one in each category? Contact us here to let us know your results. We will love to hear how you have customized your Entrepreneur style.

sources: nytimes businesstown dynamicbusinessplan yourarticlelibrary resourcefulentrepreneur


This article is letter (T) of our “Customization" series where we write an article for each letter of the phrase. “Customization Personalize" Customization empowers internet users by allowing them to make changes based on their own preferences. And if it’s anything about empowering every day people, we are completely behind it. Find links to more articles in the series below.


(C) What Is (C)ustomization?

(U) What Makes Content (U)nique?

(S)haring Customized Content That Converts Big Time

(T)he Ultimate Guide – What Kind Of Entrepreneur Are You?

(O)ptimize To Save Time And Get Better Results With Less Work

(M) Customize Your (M)indset To Achieve Anything You Ever Wanted

(I) Fully Utilize (I)nnovation To Enhance Your Business

(Z) 3 Quick Tips To Customi(Z)e Your eLife

(A) How Digital (A)ssistants Will Be The Future Of Customization And Personalization

(T) Learn How To Make More Money With Customized (T)ime Management

(I) Helpful (I)nsights On Marketing, Consumers, and Personalization

(O) How To (O)rganize Your Life Once And For All

(N) Say Hello To Your (N)atural Intelligence

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